NSSY Conference
International Edition

Nanoscience Summer School @Yachay Tech 2024

Galapagos Islands
A place for SCIENCE
May 19 - 25, 2024

On behalf of The School of Physical Sciences and Nanotechnology at Yachay Tech University in cooperation with the Galapagos Hub, we invite you to join us at the fifth edition of the Nanoscience Summer School @ Yachay Tech 2024 (NSSY 2024). The summer school will be held from the 19th to the 25th of May at Puerto Ayora in the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador.
Join us at the enchanted venue of the Galapagos archipelago for the NSSY 2024 which is a must-attend for anyone interested in learning about different topics of nanotechnology, their applications, and the most recent discoveries in the field.
See you in the Galapagos Islands!
Gema González, PhD and Charlotte Berrezueta
May 19th, 2024
Keynote Speakers

Penn State University - USA

Technische Universität Dresden - Germany

University of Sussex - UK

Weizmann Institute of Science - Israel

Freie Universität Berlin - Germany
Invited Speakers

University of Zaragoza - Spain
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - USA

Arizona State University - USA

Université Lyon 1 - France

Hokkaido University - Japan

PUCE - Ecuador

Yachay Tech University - Ecuador

Yachay Tech University - Ecuador

Yachay Tech University - Ecuador
Tutorial Speakers

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - USA

Penn State University - USA

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Germany

University of Vienna - Austria

University of Antwerp - Belgium
Hotel Recommendations
The event will be held in from May 19th to May 25th of 2024 in the City Hall from Puerto Ayora at Santa Cruz Island (Galapagos).
Hotel Santa Fe
Hotel Fiesta
Hotel Crossman
Hotel Ninfa
Hotel Flamingo
Hostal Carliza 2
Hotel Solymar Galapagos
Hotel Silbertein

Nano to Bio and Bio to Nano
Nanomaterials for Sensing
Theory and Modelling
Magnetism and Superconductivity at the Nanoscale Advanced Materials
Processing and Characterization
The NSSY2024 is a dynamic five-day conference where international scientists, leading researchers, and passionate students in nanotechnology converge. The event features captivating morning keynote sessions, invited talks by top researchers, and contributed talks from outstanding abstract submissions, fostering open discussions during informal poster sessions. With a main focus on a two-day poster session, NSSY2024 offers an ideal platform for knowledge exchange. Dedicated to nurturing emerging talent, this international gathering anticipates the participation of 120 delegates, including speakers, researchers, Ph.D. candidates, and undergraduates, creating an informal atmosphere for idea exchange and result sharing across various nanotechnology domains, both theoretical and experimental. NSSY2024 promises innovation, inspiration, and fruitful collaboration.
Local Organizing Team
Gema González (chair)
Yachay Tech University - Ecuador
Charlotte Berrezueta (co-chair)
Freie Universität Berlin - Germany
Melany Aguilar Ramirez
Yachay Tech University - Ecuador
Alexis Garzón
Yachay Tech University - Ecuador
León Ocaña
Yachay Tech University - Ecuador
Norman Wray
Galapagos Hub - Ecuador
Local Team and Student Staff
Daniela Arellano
María Fernanda Bósquez
Evelyn Cifuentes
Bryan Pinargote
Cristina Rubio
María Belén Silva
Andrés Vera
Scientific Advisory Board
Eric Anglaret
Univ. Montpellier - France
Paola Ayala (co-chair)
University of Vienna - Austria
Carla Bittencourt
University of Mons - Belgium
Sofie Cambré
Antwerp University - Belgium
Silvia Giordani
University College Dublin - Ireland
Gema González
Yachay Tech - Ecuador
Shigeo Maruyama
Tokyo University - Japan
Vincent Meunier (co-chair)
Penn State University - USA
Duncan Mowbray
Yachay Tech - Ecuador
Stephanie Reich
Freie Universität Berlin - Germany
Humberto Terrones
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - USA
Registration opens and abstract submission
Acceptance confirmation
Early bird payment
Standard payment
Extended manuscripts submission
Dec 3, 2023
Dec 20 , 2023
Dec 21, 2023 to Jan 31, 2024
Mar 5, 2024
Until Mar 31, 2024
Until May 1, 2024
May 19 to 25, 2024
Until June, 2024
Extended deadline!
Feb 20, 2024
Important Dates
Scholarship Application Deadline Over
Regular Registration Still Open
Notification of Acceptance 5th of March 2024
Guidelines for Submission
Step 1
Fill out the registration form with your personal information.
Step 2
Select your preferred participation type. Choose from the following participation types: Invited/ Keynote speakers, oral contribution, young Researcher Talks, posters, and attendance.
Step 3
Submit your abstract by following the guidelines provided in the forms. A full instruction guide can be found here
If you are a student, a limited number of scholarships will be offered to help you cover your participation expenses. Attach to the registration form a motivation letter and semester enrollment certificate.
The selection criteria will be based on the quality of the abstract and motivation letter.
Step 4
Select your conference fee category: Undergraduate student, graduate student, and academic.
Step 5
After acceptance, a notification will be sent to participants with instructions for the payment process.
We are happy to receive you this year at NSSY 2024. Please follow the steps below for a successful registration:
Start now your registration by clicking on the link below:
Early bird
(Master and PhD)
Early bird
Early bird
Included in the registration fees for attendees:
The required TAX for Galapagos Islands.
Daily breakfasts from Monday to Friday.
Welcome Reception on Sunday.
Coffee breaks throughout the program.
Drinks and snacks during the Poster Sessions.
Additionally, participants will enjoy the Conference Tour, Integration Dinner, and an engaging Networking Event, making this event a unique and enriching experience.
Included in the registration fee for accompanying guest:
The required TAX for Galapagos Islands.
Welcome Reception on Sunday.
Conference Tour.
Integration Dinner.
Early bird
All presentations from NSSY2024 are scheduled for publication as a special issue in Carbon Trends. Contributions to the special issue will have all their publication fees waived. Carbon Trends is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal, and a companion title to the well-established journal, Carbon.

This journal offers an open access platform to communicate progress in the field of carbon materials science. The scope of Carbon Trends comprises new developments associated to all forms of carbon, including traditionally bulk carbons to low-dimensional carbon-based structures. New and significant results related to the properties of material systems where carbon plays the central role are the core of the journal. However, articles on composites and on materials closely related to carbon (e.g., similar composition or morphologies) will also be considered by the Editors of Carbon Trends. This includes nitrides, carbides, and graphene-like low-dimensional materials (0D, 1D, and 2D).
Accepted manuscripts will be reviewed using the journal’s publication standards and will thus be peer-reviewed in the same way as regular submissions. Acceptance of a contribution for presentation at the summer school does not automatically include acceptance for publication in the special issue.
Papers will be submitted directly on the journal webpage. Contributors should make sure that they select “NSSY24” as the special issue. This will allow the editor to fully waive the publication fees in this open-access journal. Manuscripts should be directly submitted via the journal's website, ensuring selection of "NSSY2024" as the special issue to facilitate full waiver of publication fees in this open-access journal. Manuscripts should be submitted by the end of June 2024. More information can be obtained by contacting the Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Vincent Meunier at vincent.meunier@psu.edu.
NSSY has expanded its horizons by incorporating impactful initiatives that reach out to the local community. We are dedicated to nurturing scientific curiosity among young minds, especially in regions where access to scientific culture is limited. The STEM ADVENTURES LAB SCHOOL (SALS) stands as a parallel event, wholly committed to empowering children from the Galapagos Islands. Through engaging and enjoyable scientific workshops, kids have the unique opportunity to closely interact with

2023 Science workshops with local kids
scientists and delve into the wonders of research. Our vision is to ignite a passion for science and innovation, cultivating a new generation of forward-thinking individuals capable of making enduring contributions to the Galapagos Islands and beyond. We actively promote the significance of STEM education, foster interest in STEM careers, and elevate the academic standards of primary and secondary education in the region.